Making our own Homemade Healthy Fresh Thai Curry Pastes via Mod's recipes is one of the most delicious things we have done for our blog. So many people think they know what curry is and that it's a yellow powder that comes from India, but it's so much more! You really need to dive deeper into this topic to do it justice.

The Broader Definition Of Curry
In general, curry is a sauce made of Southeast Asian, herbs and spices, according to the definition on the wikipedia page for curry. The sauce is the reason, currys are my favorite thing in Thai cuisine, and also why I would want to be a sauceer if I were to be a profesional chef. It's the best.
The whole experience feels so healthy and flavorful with stuff that comes straight from nature. The aromatic herbs and oils are insanely beautiful and smell amazing. We are always coming up with new curry paste recipes. Below are some of the ones Mod has made so far.
Equipment you will need
The only thing you will really need that you may not have is a mortar and pestle. Here is a link to some that you can have delivered to you from Amazon and support our website via this affiliate link.
Home-made curry pastes - instead of store-bought, try making your own curry paste. We have several recipes for different types on this website. Try one of these if you want something really fresh tasting. If you don't have time or energy to make your own curry paste, there are links to order them at the bottom of the page.
Here are some premade curry pastes you can buy from Amazon and have delivered to you. Especially helpful if you don't want to get lost in an Asian market. If you buy with our affiliate link it helps us too. 🙂
- Maesri Red Curry Paste
- Maesri Green Curry Paste
- Maesri Sour Curry Paste
- Maesri Prik Khing Curry Paste
- Maesri Combo Pack of Green, Red, Massaman and Panang Curry Pastes
- Mae Ploy Massaman Curry Paste
- Mae Ploy Panang Curry Paste
- Mae Ploy Yellow Curry Paste
- Mae Ploy Yellow, Green and Red Curry Paste Combo Pack
- More To Come!
We have a whole page for the category of currys, see below. Order some of the pastes above and let us know how it goes. We love cooking at home so we get to enjoy the whole delicous process and avoid spending the time and money going out.